其实我登陆支付宝的目的是为了使用淘宝买东西。但是对外国人来说,很难登陆因为只能使用中文而且我们没有中国的身份证,很难通过验证。我尝试过一次,但是没有成功,所以我放弃了。 最近我想买一个电脑屏幕,因为我喜欢在家看电影和韩国的综艺节目 ,这是我的一种休息方式。 我的笔记本屏幕太小了。我去过国美电器和易买得的电子产品销售区。但是他们不专门卖电脑屏幕。虽然他们有电脑屏幕,但是能选择的种类太少了。
GOME Electrical Appliances Holding Limited (国美电器 in Chinese)(SEHK: 493) is one of the largest privately owned electrical appliance retailers in Mainland China and Hong Kong.
Screen Size
买这个电脑屏幕的过程比较简单。其实上个月我的公司里招聘了几个计算机工程师。公司为他们额外配备了几个这个品牌的屏幕。 他们使用后觉得不错,我试过后也觉得比较满意。 所以我用淘宝的手机app扫描了这个屏包装箱的条形码,在淘宝上进行搜索然后出现了很多商家。在这么多商家中,我选择了一家评论最好,价格最便宜的。 然后用支付宝支付,这一次使用淘宝买东西的整个过程很顺利,很开心!
Samsung S22D360
Pretty happy with the whole buying experience
淘宝是阿里巴巴著名的网络商场。跟国外的ebay和亚马逊一样,在中国的影响力很大。从2003年5月开始,成为中小企业,个体商户与私人买卖的平台。 截止到2013年3月底,有7亿6千万个商品在淘宝上销售,淘宝成为世界访问次数最多的10大网站之一。淘宝和天猫的营业额已经超过了10亿人民币。 到2014的第一个季度,淘宝的营业额占到了全中国网站的70% 。国际投资银行高升评价说,淘宝公司市值 70亿美金。2014年5月,Ebay的市场价值是64亿美金,亚马逊是134亿美金。 上周阿里巴巴发布在美国打算上市的消息。 虽然这次上市不包括淘宝公司,但是我希望通过这次的上市,阿里巴巴集团能更快增加市场份额,增大国际影响力。
Taobao also dominates China’s mobile shopping market with over 78% market share (by revenue), followed by JD with only 7.2%.
My Taobao Shopping Experience
Now that I have my Taobao and Alipay accounts set up, I purchased an external monitor through Taobao’s mobile site and paid with my Alipay account. I was very happy with the overall experience; the range of available products and sellers were wide, check out and payment process was smooth and delivery duration was also fairly quick (3 days). After a month of using the product, I am quite satisfied with the product and my purchasing decision (now I can watch movies on bigger screen and work faster with an external monitor).
The interesting part of this shopping experience was that it was all done on my mobile phone. I scanned barcode on top of monitor box left at my office. We recently hired two software engineers and one UX designers and bought them 24 inch computer screens. They were happy with the monitors and I basically found the company that sells the same product at the lowest price simply by scanning the barcode. I briefly checked other customers’ review and decided to order a smaller size 22 inch monitor and paid for it using Alipay (technically the money only gets released to the seller after I received the product and asked Alipay to go ahead of transferring the money to the seller).
Barcode scan for product purchase
China Mobile Shopping in Rapid Development
In the first quarter of 2014, China mobile shopping market total transactions reached 78.02 billion yuan (USD 12.53 billion), with an growth of 13% from the previous quarter, an increase of 207% compared with the first quarter in 2013 according to Analysis International.
The overall China mobile shopping market is in rapid development period, mostly driven by merchants’ heavy promoting targeting mobile device users, the more mature mobile shopping habits among China online users, and rapid development of certain mobile apps like taxi app Didi Dache.
칼럼니스트 권혁태
캐나다 퀸즈대학과 중국 북경대학에서 경영학과 중국어를 공부했다. 졸업 후 골드만삭스 도쿄 및 싱가폴에서 근무하였으며 2008년부터 Business Tianjin 이라는 중국경제잡지에 글로벌 경제와 중국경제 현황에 대하여 매월 영어로 글을 기고하고 있다. 세계 여러나라 여행을 다니며 현지의 문화,역사,음식,사람들과 마주하여 느끼는 것을 글로 담아내기를 즐기며, 급현하는 중국의 변화에 주시하고 있다. (현재 개인 블로그 운영중 http://hyuktae.wordpress.com)
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